๐Ÿ—๏ธPermission Setup

Here you will learn how to setup the permissions

This project has reached end of life and is no longer maintained.

We recommend you transition to NookureStaff, it's free

For me the best permission management plugin is LuckPerms

First Install the plugin

Click the download button

Then select your platform

Once you have donwloaded the Jar file place it in your server plugins folder and restart the server

Then in your server type 'lp editor' if you are in a bukkit based server and 'lpb editor' if you are in bungeecord, that will give you a link with an editor session

Type mast. and start typing perms to the respective group!

If you add the perm mast.* you will have all the perms

You can see the full Permissions list in the Permission Page

Last updated